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Easter Eve Celebration

22 กรกฎาคม 2566

The peak of Holy Week is the celebration  of Passover on Saturday night. We helped one another to prepare for the event. Some made a major clean-up of the church and surrounding area. Others, particularly some youth prepared the chapel and mass. Meanwhile some ladies prepared food for the supper before the Mass.

The ceremony begins with a candlelight procession with participants singing some solemn songs. Afterward several selected biblical passages were read before being concluded with the usual Eucharistic prayer. Everyone joined in the celebration intently. After the Mass, the children distributed Easter eggs to all the attendees. Eggs symbolize new beginnings and hope. Our community yearns for a new beginning in fellowship and discipleship of Jesus. After mass, we had fraternal and community meal. Everyone was happy that night. as it was the most memorable Passover or Easter celebration since we had our first chapel in Umphang.