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Flooding affects thousands (including Xaverians) in Thailand

27 กันยายน 2564

The Xaverian community in Umphang, a new established mission of Thai Diocese Nakhonsawan bordering Myanmar, has recently suffered from a never-seen flood in the small town of Umphang, Tak Province, a district located on the top of a steep mountain. More than 2000 families are affected by the storm Dianmu, with heavy rains for days.

Our Xaverian residence, a rented house, was flooded as well and almost completely under water. Fr Tardelly and a cathechist, luckily, were in the villages to distribute the survival kits for the families affected by Covid 19. Fr Alessio, the person in charge of our boarding house/dormitory for the children, was aware of possible floods and managed to save a car, a motorcycle and a few other things as the water was coming unexpectedly fast. He could reach the other isle of the Mae Klong Mai river where, meanwhile, we are renting another house for the dormitory. On Fr Tardelly's return, the two main bridges of the town were not accessible. The community had to wait until the following day to be able to return, to see the disaster caused by the storm and clean up the house. Almost nothing was left. We tried to save what we could still use. We lost more than 4000 books in Xavier House, our small library. A 30 years Izusu car, computers and all electronic devices were “gone”, under water! It will take weeks to clear everything and to be back to some normality.

The community and the children are safe. Thank God, no human casualty has been reported in this calamity. While we are moving to a safer place, the community is looking forward to helping others, mainly the migrants and the poor most affected by this tragedy.

Crop agriculture, mostly corn, is behind this devastating flood as many deforestations  have been happening around the district for decades. The massive use of pesticide in crop farming has destroyed the soil that should keep the rainwater. As Fr Tardelly writes, the electricity is already accessible, but the community and the dormitory will not have drinking water for days to come. Internet connection is back, good enough for texting.

We thank you for being with us and we ask you to keep us in your prayers.