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A New Mission

In terms of ecclesial territory, Tak province including Umphang belongs to missionary deanery III of Nakhon Sawan diocese. In 2014, by the invitation of the Bishop of Nakhon Sawan, Xaverian Missionaries arrived at the denary III and took over a vast parish area of St. Joseph the Worker church. However, the community only could assign Father Tardelly to Umphang in January 2016 after his Thai language studies in Bangkok. Umphang is the only district in this province where neither evangelization nor missionary activity had ever done until his assignment almost 4 years ago. He started teaching in 3 different government schools in the territory

New Approach

Teaching English in different Thai schools is one of the best ways to get in touch with Thai and Karen people in the territory. As the friendship grows, the students introduce Fr.Tardelly to their villages and to the universe of their culture and tradition. He is pretty much sure that the Gospel is welcomed in a mysterious way by people through our simple and humble witness of life. We, the disciples, plant but God who gives growth.

First Christian communities

The seed of the formation of Catholic community began when Father Tardelly encountered a Karen Catholic family who has migrated from Karen State in Burma territory and settled in Thapephue village, Thailand. They, however, still have frequent contact with their relatives on the other side of the aisle which then invited me to celebrate weekly mass with them in Kalaw Gaw village, Karen state. Since then, Father Tardelly started to organize activities with children in the village (English and Music class) and tried to encourage people to have a spirit of community by celebrating mass in their own house.

Refugees and Stateless People

As Father Tardelly was asked by the bishop to take care of a few Burmese Catholic families in the Nupo camp, he then encouraged both the refugees and the Catholics in Thapepue and Kalaw Gaw to build the community. We realize since Vatican II, Catholic mission has fundamentally moved from a mission as development to mission as dialogue and encounter with culture, ethnicity and religions