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Check out all our mission trip opportunities

Many professionals try to fulfill their volunteer hours but they just don’t know where and when is the right time and place for them. If you are among this group of people, consider a special mission trip organized for specific specialist or professional on specific field to answer to the need of the mission.

Partnership with local authorities

Xavier Oratory has been partnering with local health authorities and non-governmental organizations to reach the villages and people who have little access to healthcare service. We visit the elderly people, people with disabilities and the sick people in the remote areas bringing necessary items that we can provide. We recommend that at least one medical doctor accompanies a medical group. We welcome the medical professionals including pre-Pa and pre-med students to assist the livelihood projects along the border between Thailand and Myanmar and to build relationship with the local communities that have little access to good livelihood and healthcare. We also welcome specialists in anything useful for the development of the local people.

Why partner with us?

When you partner with Xavier Oratory we ensure you and your group are comfortable at the local accommodations provided for your safety and comfort. These accommodations come with all necessary amenities and clean water. You have opportunities to spend your holidays while giving significant impact to the lives of local people.

Contact Xavier Oratory to get started

If you have a group of professionals prepared to make a difference, reach out to us. Our connections and trip inclusions make you professional and mission trips an excellent way to use your skills and gain a rewarding experience in a struggling community.

If you have any questions or want to start planning a professional mission trip