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Drilling Water Project in Khologaw village

28 February 2022

Having being destroyed during the war, most of villages in Karen State have no reliable infrastructure such as school, health center, roads and clean water. Khologwo village in Karen State has a major problem of reliable, sufficient and clean source of water for human consumption and other uses. The villagers still depend on clean water that they must buy from neighboring villages of Taphuephue and Wakekhlo, both in Thai territory. The project consists of drilling water in some spotted area to provide clean water for more than 300 families . The project got the funding support from Entretiendo Foundation- Spain, thanks to the help of Xaverian Fathers in 2019. However, due to the pandemic and raising conflic along the border, the project could only be implemented on February this year. We still need your suport for other villages which are in need of the same drilling water as well.